
What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is a holistic approach to long-lasting health and vitality. It incorporates western physiological healing science with ancient eastern energetic healing techniques from China, India and Tibet. Kinesiology can address of wide range of physical, nutritional, emotional, mental and spiritual issues. It is a unique way of using the bodies own intelligence to heal itself. Kinesiology can improve the lives and health of people of all ages from the very fit to the very unwell. The main tool used is gentle muscle monitoring. A form of direct communication with the cellular mental and emotional systems of the body. The muscle response from the client is directing the practitioner to the underlying issue or cause of the clients problem, as well as the correction required in order to resolve the problem.

Performed on a massage table you will be guided through the process. The nervous system functions through pathways connecting the brain with muscles and these muscles reflect our organs, glands, cells, emotional and mental state of health.

Kinesiology can help you improve all aspects of life - from day today living to:

  • Achieving and goalsetting

  • Allergies

  • Anxiety and stress

  • Better your performance in education, sport, business, finance, relationships and many more aspects of our daily lives

  • Brain integration

  • Digestive disorders and disturbances

  • Autoimmune disorders and disease

  • Eating disorders

  • Exhaustion and chronic fatigue

  • Fears and phobias

  • Hormonal issues

  • Learning difficulties and memory

  • Low or high energy

  • Muscular pain and sport injuries

  • Sleeping disorders

  • Weight loss

And more

  • Contact our clinic on (08) 9592 7360 for further information and bookings

“These mountains that you are carrying, you were only supposed to climb.”

Najwa Zebian